I recently came across my "professional" friend who believes that in order to maintain seniority order, one must keep away from sharing knowledge from the subordinates.
I was a bit surprised hearing him say this.
Was he implying that he really has to hide from his juniors? Did this mean that he "survives" in the knowledge vacuum? Is he so much watchful of young budding probables who might take his place? Had he put a self imposed limit on his growth?.....
Really, is this what keeps a professional going on and ahead? I sincerely don't think so.
It could be that I was lucky enough to have seniors who were open, progressive, practical and professional. People who shared their knowledge and helped me grow.
Though I am indebted to them, I must say that my seniors gave me the chance and challenge to go and "prove it" to myself and the people there.
I believe in sharing knowledge as I know that it leads one to further improving self, knowledge and skills.
Knowledge and the style (procedures,processes) one uses on the job is the property of the firm one was working for at the time. It is not the person's personal property to keep back, hidden.
As a matter of fact, people who had their outlook just like my friend could progress only till a limit, the limit which was self-imposed.