Hi folks, wishing you all a Very Happy New Year !.
Well,starting the new year with some design "basics"(as a matter of fact,these form a part of my new year resolutions too!)
Starting with these, point wise... :)
A) Fonts: The text is the thing which tells the visitor what our site is about. Style and the way they are arranged and put there makes all the difference. This is equally effective to attract or bore the visitor within first two minutes of their visiting the site.
B) Color: The meaning and harmony that you would put in your colors out there would make at least 50% of the difference. Imagine someone using glaring pink on a Hospital site!
Going further, color should be used in a symbolic manner, as "solid & concrete" personalities (no matter what the shade). This provides character to the site.
C) Images & Graphics: are similar to what you long to see in the marriage photo album of your best friend. Details missing and interest lost. Do not make them "event-less" or "over-detailed". Just be "there".
D) Navigation: How could you best make your site visitor friendly? Easy to understand layout, simple ways to reach the top/bottom of the pages. Well laid out format...no detail is ever enough in making your site "even more" visitor friendly.
E) Connect: How many visitors would find your site worth visiting is directly proportional to how many visitors understood what your site speaks/tells about itself. Just look at the public transport mediums of your town/city. They have signs/spaces for people to follow (going as far as helping physically disabled people too).
What I mean here is that your site should be really simple to "walk around" and detail the visitor what it is about & what things the visitor would find across the different corners (pages) etc. :)
Clearly, there is no end to refining and redefining the
design specifics as no single detail is independent when it comes to making a good website. Moreover, additions to these details is a natural and an essential aspect for the designs to depict today yesterday and tomorrow, all at the same time.