Well, a lot spoken on website promotions and a lot read on this topic but I rarely come across people who seem to follow them in totality.
Whatever maybe their reasons for not going on it 100%, the fact stays that some wonderful things are for free, believe me !
Allright let me number a few for you :)
1. Write authentic Articles which establish you first as a professional and the site you are working on as "serious" on its business. Ezine is another wonderful platform for you to have this strategy going great. Work on this diligently and you would have the great outcome very soon.
2. Link Exchanges which if relevant and well studied before approvals are a great way to promote a site.
3. Participate actively in forums and blogs but avoid spamming. Every word which you write there is worth a million hits (world wide!)...
4. Emails...emails? how can one promote a site with emails and avoid the unwanted "Spammer" tag?...Well put your site URL below your signatures in the office mails you send out and get your subordinates do the same with their mails too, [don't at any point work on site promotion through Emails]. Doing this correct just puts in the "importance" and "official" tag on the site and gets hits from the prospective visitors.
As it comes with experience, SEO is all about optimizing one's efforts and time to get results fast (but through the correct way) and here are no shortcuts in "clean" jobs :)
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