Last Friday our creative team were having a project detail chaired by Raj, ourChief Idea Officer. During his details for our latest client he just made a comment and asked us to narrate it in our own words as to what we understood out of it. There were as many narrations of his statement as there were people attending this meeting and I thought it is better not to let it go unrecorded :)
While telling our design teamhe just paused and said "the other site is just a click away" (though this is a very known statement).
People spoke on the following points:
1)Attractiveness: If your site is not attractive enough to keep the visitor for more than 5 seconds then you have a competitor for sure who is doing better than you are !
2)Layout: If the layout is not "user friendly" and is a pain in the neck and to the eyes trying to make out what is where and how and why it is so then no one would even stay back for more than an eye wink on your site !
3)Color: An extension to the layout is the color theme you follow,don't go by your favorite inspiration and just end up copying it...just take the "basics" which make that site your favorite :)
4)Content: Yes, important and relevant,catchy,informative,concise. (do I need to say more on this, I know I don't have to, you got it already !)
5)Theory: Theory? are we having an exam out here?? Well, the question is the answer...Yes, we are having a test of our site every time we have a visitor.Combine all aspects and bind the site matter around the concept of the site.This thing surely goes way beyond the point 4 above.No book,film,advertisement,article,tv show is ever complete without a theory from it's inception to the last thing. The coding has to be on these lines and not the other way round [though I am not touching the programming part for now]
To sum up [this is boringly detailed though :D] you have to have a combination of all things.If your site is very attractive but falls out on the relevance aspect of the nature of your site or, for example, you just started selling your stock online but your product listing is faulty on the site then just imagine the impact on the customer experience out here...in real terms this means just the same old line...
"The other site is just a click away!!!"
Yes this is true, The competition is so immense that a slight mistake from your site pulls down your site rankings.