Articles are a very sure and easy way to help increase traffic to a site yet this part is often ignored due to the misunderstanding among many that it is a complex jargon to play with.
People forget simple SEO things and miss out completely on the "keyword" basics which if they include in their articles would surely work half way for them (if not for the entire thing).
Practice (in fact the daring to do this) makes one capable enough to write concentrated and focused articles. There is no replacement to the human touch which is completely lacking in automated article churning software doing rounds among many article writers these days.
The many jargons of SEO and Google can be easily solved by simple Google tools like Keyword tools etc.
I have come across people worrying about SERP, site hits, keyword density and then going the "machine" way by using article writing software and what not.
Definitely nothing beats a simple article better than a simpler written article !!
One must focus on not:
1) Spinning Articles
2) Generate Garbage Articles
3) Just rephrasing Articles
These practices have long become the subject of archeology and believe me no one has the time to spend reading what they know about already.
Very nice information. Thanks for this.