The word Freelancer sounds very interesting to most of us. We visualize freedom, space, enterprise, fame and sure the big motivator...money & loads of it !!! ;)
But really, is freelancing and the life of a freelancer so much attractive? Is it really so catchy?
People have many reasons and ways to favor the career of a freelancer. Job of interest, steady income, own timings, no boss over you and you could create what ever you ever wanted...
Well, this is true (rather could be made absolutely true) if one follows some basic guidelines soon [and for always] when they started on their own:
1] Work as if you were still an employee: This makes sure you don't get carried away in the freedom breeze to do what you liked and then getting back to your desk. This could prove to be a major time killing factor.Your output could get affected.
2] Dress just like you did for your office: It feels so cool to come in shorts and slippers and start working for the day.Sit easy on the sofa and chatting with a friend or tweeting and working,enjoying etc. but remember, the more comfort level you get into the more you get prone to miss out on your productive wits ! This is very true, believe me.
3] Set time lines: Give yourself limited time to complete your job. Do I need to elaborate more on this? I don't think so.. :)
4] Work Schedules: Just like point 3 above, set your "office" timings. Sure, easy working hours sound sooo comfy but you could soon find yourself working throughout the night and sleeping throughout the day and then feeling down when you woke up. This could lead to a vicious stress cycle !
5] Prioritize: Set your "to-do" list and follow it. This ensures that you got on your work schedule well on time and are heading towards productivity.
6] Keep watch on yourself !! You need to "treat" yourself as your own employee. Appreciate productivity,accomplishments and point out your shortfalls. Beware, you are more exposed when you go alone...
7] Keep yourself occupied, happy and focused: This makes sure you remain your boss :D
No matter how much we dislike our boss but they are a necessary factor making us walk on line (I am talking only about productivity right now).
Follow up and assess your performance,growth and future going solo...This is an important factor helping you stay,both: motivated and a successful Freelancer !!!
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